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Time to Act on Dementia, 
Time to Act on Alzheimers 

World Alzheimer's Day 2024: 21st September 


Hearing Loss &  Dementia: 

The Connection  


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Hearing loss is correlated with mild cognitive impairment and dementia. During conversations, people with hearing loss often find themselves straining to hear or relying on lip reading to keep up. As social interaction becomes harder, the brain works overtime to compensate increasing the likelihood of social isolation and depression - both risk factors of dementia. 


But what if we told you this risk can be reduced? 


Unaddressed hearing loss in mid-life is the highest potentially modifiable risk factor for developing dementia. This means looking after our hearing can not only help us stay connected to the world around us for longer, but could reduce your risk of developing dementia.


eargym makes it easy to care for our hearing. From the comfort of your own home, you can gain access to in-depth hearing care anywhere, anytime - all you need is your smartphone and a pair of headphones.

Our hearing care is built by professionals, and tailored to your needs. With consistent gameplay you could see improvement in just 4 weeks.


How can you protect your ears? 

Hearing health care is something we can all benefit from. Just like looking after your teeth, looking after your hearing is a good and useful habit to start from an early age. 


You can take these easy steps to look after your hearing for life - 

1) Follow the 60/60 rule, keeping your volume to 60% of the maximum for no more than 60 minutes at a time

2) Wear hearing protection such as gigplugs or ear defenders when necessary 

3) Check you hearing regularly with eargym so you know when you need to take extra steps 

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Can brain training reduce the risk of dementia?

We’re here to find out. Most of our hearing actually happens in the brain. It’s our ears that pick up sound waves whilst the brain turns them into meaningful sounds. When we experience hearing loss it can make it much more challenging to understand the sounds going on around us. This is where auditory training comes in - recent studies have shown that regularly stimulating our hearing skills can help strengthen them to become more efficient at processing sounds.

eargym’s training challenges your core hearing and cognitive skills, including speech intelligibility, auditory processing, selective attention, and working memory.

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You can make a difference

The more we understand about the link between hearing and brain health, the bigger the impact we can have. Every time you use eargym, you’re not only looking after your hearing health but you also contribute to scientific research on dementia.


We partner with world-renowned organisations advisors across hearing, cognition and data analysis to progress research into this important area of science.

UK Research and Innovation Logo
Alzheimer's Society Logo
Innovate UK logo

Ready to hear better?

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Available on iOS and Android

Download eargym on iOS - Black Badge
Download eargym for Android - Black Badge

Disclaimer: this is not medical advice and eargym is not a medical device. All claims have been based on credible research published in medical journals, including the 2020 Lancet Commission on Dementia.

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